Mine accidents can be prevented if risks are identified and mitigated by creating barriers through risk management to reduce the likelihood of Material Undesired Events (MUEs). The FMEA methodology – Failure Modes and Effects Analysis is cited in international risk management standards and is already used in mining and traffic to identify and propose preventive and mitigating controls associated with the risk scenario for the geotechnical structure. In this study, an FMEA was analyzed for an open pit mine in the Quadrilatero Ferrífero whose evaluation considered information regarding inspections and instrumentation, historical occurrences regarding geodynamic processes in addition to a lack of operational discipline. The scenario is identified and depending on its classification in terms of probability and severity will lead to critical action to reduce the risk. From the creation of the risk map, it is possible to represent, through graphic information, the risks identified in a geotechnical structure. The structure was sectorized by operational sectors and evaluated according to its reported nonconformities. In this context, the present study associated the risk map with the FMEA as the anomalies identified with the initial event and the failure modes with the undesired event according to the possibilities of occurrence.